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Previous Talks
Global Ecological Security International Symposium, GüvenliÄŸin Ontolojisi ve Ekolojik Güvenlik (The Ontology of Security and Ecological Security [in Turkish]), Ankara, 16-18 October 2019.
Turkish National Defense University Atatürk Institute of Strategic Studies' Fall Conference Series, GüvenliÄŸin DoÄŸası, DoÄŸanın GüvenliÄŸi (The Nature of Security, The Security of Nature [in Turkish]), Istanbul, 26 December 2018.
Turkish Naval Forces Maritime Security Centre of Excellence, Maritime Security Workshop, The Ontology of Security​, Istanbul, 12 December 2018.
NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Turkey Civil-Military Interaction Seminar, Current Security Environment and Relations with the Non-Military Issues: The Nature of Security – The Security of Nature, Istanbul, 13 November 2018.
The University of Florida, Islam and Nature in Contemporary Turkey, Gainesville, 2 November 2017.
Beloit College, Political Ecology of Religious Mindsets and Attitudes: A Pedagogical or Demagogical Problem?, Beloit, 18 April 2017.
Istanbul Arel University - Erasmus+ Youth Training Course: Social Justice on Social Media, Undisciplined Rationality, Istanbul, 21 July 2016.
JEF Turkey Vizesiz Avrupa Ä°çin Elele Project, Avrupa KimliÄŸi ve Vize Serbestisi (European Identity and Visa Liberalization [in Turkish]), Istanbul, 2 April 2016.
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