Welcome aboard!
I'm a posthuman social scientist whose interests, broadly conceived, inhabit the science of everything.
I'm interested in finding common trends across diverse intellectual paths of thinking and disciplines to synthesize and mobilize knowledge to design sustainable solutions for global problems.
Thank you for visiting, and enjoy your journey.
ÇaÄŸdaÅŸ (pronounce as Chadash)

My latest work, Posthuman Citizenship, is now out in Citizenship Studies. Glad that my exploration of posthumanizing citizenship and politicizing the posthuman has reached this stage.

I started to work as a full-time Professor of General Studies at Yorkville University.

Scopus indexing
As a founding co-editor, I'm so glad to see that the Journal of Posthumanism has been accepted for indexing in Scopus.
This underscores the dedication and excellence of our entire scholarly community, which has steadfastly supported the journal's mission.

Special issue
Journal of Posthumanism's new issue is out! The Metahuman Futures Special Issue, edited by Jaime del Val (Metabody) and myself, comprises a collection of seven papers, a book review, and the Metahuman Futures Manifesto.
Free access and download: https://journals.tplondon.com/jp/issue/view/199

I have been awarded the Support for Scholarly Activities Fund (SSAF) for my book project by Yorkville University's SSAF Committee.

Invited talk
On March 2nd, I gave a talk on the need for a radical understanding of sustainability and shared the findings of the "Posthumanism for Sustainability" project at Brock University.